Greater IC Welcomes Summer Interns to the Iowa City Area

Posted June 4, 2024

Greater Iowa City, Inc. (Greater IC) is launching a free event series, targeting interns, college students, and early career professionals who are living or working in the greater Iowa City area this summer. The goal of the program, called Ignite IC, is to connect young individuals to the community. Community connection is vital to area employers in retaining talent beyond an internship or entry level position. While talent recruitment often takes the spotlight, it is companies’ ability to retain talent that fortifies an economy. Ignite IC aims to retain talent by cultivating a love for the Iowa City area and showcasing what a future in our community could look like.


This is a unique opportunity to engage our local interns and entry level talent,” explains Nancy Bird, Greater IC President & CEO. “What better time to showcase all the things we love about the greater Iowa City area than when these young professionals are already here and looking for a community of their own?  We are working to be intentional with each interaction to keep them here.”


The Ignite IC event series starts on June 20th with an evening of bowling and golf and curated programming. This first event is a collaboration with the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, connecting young professionals and interns from greater Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. Following events include a panel discussion in downtown Iowa City, where interns can grow their professional network and learn more about working in the area. Event attendees also receive newsletters with local summer events, volunteer opportunities, and resources to support them in having a connected and eventful summer in greater Iowa City.


The Ignite IC event series is free and open to all interns, students, and young professionals. The public can learn more and register at