Bridget Weddle, Labor Market Research Economist
Iowa Workforce Development
1000 E Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50319
Telephone: 515-281-7525
FAX: 515-281-9656
Austin Korns, Director of Business Development
Iowa City Area Development & Iowa City Area Business Partnership
136 S Dubuque St, Iowa City, IA 52240
Phone: (309) 582-4182
The Iowa City Area Development & Iowa City Area Business Partnership (ICAD + Business Partnership) is partnering with Iowa Workforce Development and Iowa Economic Development Authority to complete a Laborshed employment study for the Iowa City area. This study will geographically define which communities contribute to Iowa City’s workforce, regardless of political boundaries. This defined area is called a Laborshed area and is based upon commuting patterns.
The purpose of this Laborshed study is to measure the availability and characteristics of Iowa City area workers. Laborshed studies are useful tools for economic development teams and existing or prospective employers to understand the local labor market, make informed expansion and site selection decisions, and maintain/recruit a high quality workforce.
The Laborshed boundary is based on the place of residence of individuals commuting into the Iowa City area for employment. For the success of this study, we will be sending letters to employers in Iowa City asking that they provide us with aggregate counts of their employees’ residential ZIP codes. This reporting will give us an understanding of where each community’s workforce resides.
Every year Iowa Workforce Development conducts Laborshed studies across the State. The results of each analysis are publicly available online at If you have any questions about the Laborshed project, please contact Bridget Weddle at 515-281-7525 or Austin Korns with ICAD + Business Partnership at (309) 582-4182.
Thank you for your support and participation.
This map shows the commuter concentration by distance traveled to get into Iowa City, IA.
- 45.0% of Iowa City, IA’s workforce live and work in Iowa City
- 55.0% of Iowa City, IA’s workforce live outside of Iowa City and commute-in
- 78.9% of Iowa City, IA’s workforce live within 24 miles of Iowa City
This slide displays the average commute of those who are currently employed and likely to change employment. It displays both their current commute (in both miles and minutes) and the distance/time they are willing to travel.
Respondents are asked what is their current/former industry of employment. This slide shows this industry breakout for those who are currently employed and likely to change their employment situation.