February 03, 2020 at 9:15 AM
Email: Rina@RinaJensen.com
Open: by appointment
Services: Rina offers 1:1 coaching, group coaching, networking groups, onsite training and speaking engagements.
About Rina Jensen Business Resiliency Coaching:
Business Resiliency Coaching is about the emotional and psychological side of business. All offerings are centered around the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of her clients in order to move them beyond the external circumstances of their lives to achieve the goals and realize their successes as they define it. Having hired two business coaches in two years, Rina didn’t know what she didn’t know. What she didn’t realize she needed was someone to help her overcome the life-long beliefs she held onto about why she couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to achieve the success she wanted. So she started her own coaching business to help others who face similar obstacles.
Rina’s business is unique because many business coaches are addressing the symptoms rather than the cause. The focus is generic; goals, vision, and planning which are all important. However these aspects do not address the underlying road blocks to success.
Rina’s company values authenticity, grace, and courage.
Visit Rina’s website at https://rinajensen.com/ or her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RinaLJensen/ to learn more about Rina Jensen Business Resiliency Coaching and how she can help you succeed in your business endeavors.