How to vote, when voting becomes available, and more information and resources regarding the 2022 Primary Election.
Election season is coming! The Primary Election for federal, state, and county elections will be this summer on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. The Primary Election is an election in which each political party will vote on and determine their party’s nominee for the General Election ballot in November. See below for more details about June’s Primary Election.
What offices are being voted for during the Primary Election?
This year’s Primary Election will include voting for federal, state, and county offices. Offices on the ballot will include:
- Federal offices: U.S. Senator (6-year term); U.S. Representative (2-year term)
- Statewide offices (4-year terms): Governor; Auditor of State; Secretary of State; Treasurer of State; Attorney General; Secretary of Agriculture
- State Senators: Senate districts 43 and 45 (4-year term); Senate district 46 (2-year term)
- State Representatives: House districts 85, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92 (2-year terms)
- County offices (4-year terms): Board of Supervisors (2 seats); County Attorney; County Recorder; County Treasurer
To see a map of Iowa’s new districts, click here.
Will there be a vote in the Primary Election for all of the offices listed above?
Each office listed above will be on the ballot in June. However, some offices hold more significance than others. Certain offices only have one party on the ballot with no opposition from the competing party. This means the winner from that party, for the office they run for, will be elected to hold that office, although not officially sworn in until the General Election has taken place in November. There are many Senate and House districts that do not have any Republican opposition for the Democratic candidates. These districts are:
- Senate districts 43 and 45
- House districts 85, 89, and 90
The Democrats who win the Primary Election from the districts listed above will ultimately win their office in the General Election.
How, when, and where to vote throughout Johnson County
The voting process will begin in May for the Primary Election. Here is a timeline involving absentee ballots, in-person voting deadlines, and more:
- Wednesday, May 18: First day absentee ballots can be mailed and first day in-person early voting is allowed by state law.
- Monday, May 23 (5:00 pm): Voter pre-registration deadline and deadline to request mailed ballot. In-person early voting and Election Day Registration are still available after this deadline.
- Saturday, June 4: Auditor’s Office open for early voting (hours to be determined).
- Monday, June 6: Last day for in-person early voting at Auditor’s Office.
- Tuesday, June 7: All domestic mailed absentee ballots must arrive at Auditor’s Office before the polls close at 8:00 pm in order to be counted. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Voting can be done through an absentee ballot or through the in-person voting locations throughout Johnson County. You can request a mailed ballot by printing and filling out an Absentee Ballot Request Form and turning in a hard copy to the Johnson County Auditor’s Office.
If you want to vote in person there are many new polling places throughout Johnson County. These polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on June 7th, 2022. Find a location that is most convenient to you by looking at a list of Johnson County’s polling places.
Stay involved and go vote!
Use this election to exercise your right to vote and make a change in your community. There are many resources available for the public to stay informed. Stay updated on the Primary Election by checking the Johnson County Auditor’s website and the Iowa Secretary of State’s website provided below.