
The following resources are available to help assist in the aftermath of the Derecho storm from August 10, 2020:


211 General Assistance

Food, funding, and shelter

Dial 2-1-1, text your zip code to 899211 or visit

Johnson County Emergency Management 

Self-report any damages that occurred during the severe storm here.

Linn County Emergency Management Agency

See website for information on shelters, debris removal & what towns in Linn county are doing to respond to the storm needs.

Financial Help

Iowa Disaster Assistant Programs – Food Assistance Replacement & Iowa Individual Disaster Assistance Grant Program

Disaster Case Management 

Note: Make sure you’re keeping your receipts from disaster expenses (& pictures) for possible future assistance from feds.

Food Pantries

CommUnity Crisis Center & Food Pantry

Coralville Community Food Pantry

North Liberty Community Pantry

Mental Health

If you are struggling and need to talk with someone.

Call 1-800-273-TALK

Red Cross – Serving Iowa

Can provide temporary lodging and meals.

1-800-RED-CROSS and press 0 to speak with a representative

Iowa Department of Human Services

Disaster assistance programs, such as food assistance replacement.

United Way of Johnson and Washington Counties

Disaster resource page has updated information and resources for those impacted by the Derecho storm in Johnson and Washington Counties.


Iowa Derecho Storm Facebook Page 

Over 18,000 citizens requesting and sharing recovery resources.


Also check your city’s website for additional information and resources: 

City of Iowa City Recovery & Cleanup Information

City of Coralville Cleanup Information 

City of North Liberty Cleanup Information 

City of Cedar Rapids Storm Damage Response



Donate Your Dollars:

United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties has opened their local Community Disaster Relief Fund, which will distribute support for individuals and families in crisis. Donate here.

Dream City is in need of donations to fund providing food, supplies, and a safe space to vulnerable families in need. Donate here.

Coralville Community Food Pantry is coordinating meals for residents. Donate here.

Linn Community Food Bank is giving away bags of food, frozen meat and milk vouchers. Donate here.

Horizons Meals on Wheels for Linn County is coordinating meals for residents. Donate here.


Donate Your Time:

United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties Volunteer Portal

United Way of East Central Iowa Volunteer Information

Donate Food:

Dream City is collecting food donations to serve those in need. Please drop off food between 5p and 8p this evening at 611 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City, IA 52240. For more information visit the Dream City Facebook page.



MidAmerican Energy – Outage Map

Alliant Energy – Outage Map

Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives – Outage Map